Analyzing the Economics of Multi-Cloud Deployments, A Special Focus Session for ONUG Spring 2022 

Spring 2022

Multi-cloud app and IT services delivery are a reality – even a necessity – in companies’ IT services and digital transformations today.  In addition to ensuring the technical aspects of the services run well, what are the most important considerations for implementers to take account of so the economic results of the deployments are also attractive?  How are the best TCO and RoI achieved? 

This presentation is focused on the dynamics of multi-cloud use cases and their economics.  In it we overview the costs of running different workloads on different clouds in a variety of use cases. Some of the topics covered are:

  • Economic impact of running different types of workloads on private clouds and on AWS, Azure, and Google public clouds
  • Economics of running workloads on edge cloud implementations such as AWS Outpost and private edge cloud solutions
  • Dimensions of workloads that impact public cloud expenses such as: cloud service delivery regions, operating system requirements, GPU requirements, network transport requirements, and others.
  • For different scenarios implementers have, what types and levels of discount (if any) are needed from public cloud providers to match private cloud solutions
  • Methodology we use at ACG for analyzing multi-cloud economics 

We will illustrate our approach to analyzing the scenarios, and results achievable in pursuing them, using our ACG Business Analytics Engine (BAE) – an economic modeling platform for analyzing RoI, TCO and other aspects of cloud + ICT deployments . For more information on the multi-cloud economics topic see our whitepaper: 


Peter Fetterolf, Ph. D. is an expert in network technology, architecture and economic analysis. He is responsible for financial modeling and whitepapers as well as software development of the ACG Research Business Analytics Engine. Dr. Fetterolf has a multidisciplinary background in the networking industry with over thirty years of experience as a management consultant, entrepreneur, executive manager, and academic. He is experienced in economic modeling, business case analysis, engineering management, product definition, market validation, network design, and enterprise, and service provider network strategy.

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