I like watching bad movies. I can’t help it really; I was born this way. Sometimes I’ll be sitting around with my older brothers, and we’ll talk about ridiculous movies, nonsensical movies, movies that are so stupid that they defy logic…and yet…they’re hilarious. “Did you see Tremors?” someone will ask. “Five times… at least!” is the reply. “OMG… really? Me too!” So you can see it’s a genetics issue. Nonetheless, no matter how bad the movie, there’s usually one or two redeeming moments. Maybe a…
Remember, upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all. ~ Alexander the Great ONUG has always been a community of enterprise technology consumers and suppliers focused on building and running the digital enterprise at scale. Over the past few years, the community has focused on providing solutions to the hardest problem in IT; that is, operationalizing multi-cloud consumption to gain the widest range of options and choices for infrastructure and developer teams as they create business value. As we progress on this journey,…
As leaves in the east start to color, the ONUG Community is getting ready to convene in New York City! That wonderful city of great restaurants, entertainment, diversity and culture. Over the years, I’ve realized that ONUG possesses the power to convene IT business leaders from all industry segments of the economy and from all over the world. ONUG Fall on October 19th and 20th, hosted by Raytheon Technologies, will be no different; in fact, it will be our largest gathering since ONUG Fall 2019!…
Enterprise computing is multi-cloud computing; it’s hard, complex but so worth it as your IT organization gains control and choice for developer and infrastructure teams. Infrastructure teams’ main job is to make life easier for developers to write applications that deliver corporate digital value. Multi-cloud delivers the widest pallet of tools and constructs for corporations to create value for their customers and shareholders. But while multi-cloud may not be easy, being locked into a single cloud provider is far worse. We all know that the…
Hyperautomation is not a hype term coined to capture what everyone has already been doing for some time – automating everything they can. Not a new term, but it’s gained more attention as of late as industry voices rally around it, making what was old relevant again. It’s as if the world suddenly woke up with the realization that operational processes are tedious, and maybe we should find a way to automate it all. With more automation than ever before. The solution to our operational…
Enterprise organizations today face a daunting array of challenges in their quest to deliver optimally secure IT services that comply with corporate and government mandates. Addressing such challenges has never been a trivial affair. Indeed, over the past decade and more, as technology stacks and platforms have increased in their heterogeneity and complexity, meeting the demands of effective risk governance has only become more difficult. As is the case with much of enterprise management, the challenge here isn’t typically a matter of inadequate tools or…
Much of the work we do at ONUG has a bias toward enabling the enterprise to consume cloud services from multiple providers. Clearly, the obstacle that makes this so challenging is the absence of standards for cloud consumers. ONUG’s Automated Cloud Governance Working Group is fully committed to tackling these problems and, fortunately, we’ve got the ear of most of the CSPs. Working side by side with Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM every week on the Cloud Security Notification Framework (CSNF) is very gratifying for…
When the pandemic began, many enterprises quickly moved their business operations to the cloud to better manage remote working. As a result, enterprises had to scale up their remote user connectivity infrastructure so all employees could connect to their business applications while working from home. However, the updated infrastructure was often layered on top of legacy network architecture, resulting often in inconsistent connectivity performance, and thereby impacting employees’ user experience. In fact, end-user complaints about application performance due to excessive slowdowns, network congestion, and performance…
The ONUG Community has been focused on building and running infrastructure that supports multiple cloud providers along with their on-prem data center resources. It’s hard and complex on so many levels; you have to wonder, is it worth it? All cloud providers offer different tooling and constructs up and down their stacks for consumers, which are different than on-prem. This makes moving from one cloud provider to another, or just starting new projects with a new cloud provider, hard. Try moving an application and its…
The cloud brought enormous business value to companies in virtually every industry, and cloud-first companies have led the way as pioneers. But as these first-movers have scaled up, they’ve uncovered a problem: the cost of using the cloud has, in many cases, exceeded the cost of sales. To resolve the issue, many cloud-first companies have shifted at least some of their workloads back to on-premises facilities, in what could be an example for businesses looking to scale up on the cloud in an economically-viable way….