The Sharper Edge: Four Key Ingredients to a Multi-Service Cloud Virtualization and Edge Compute Infrastructure – Sponsored by Ciena

Fall 2021

Enterprises across multiple industry sectors are making the shift from a hardware-centric to a software-centric IT infrastructure to increase operational agility, reduce cost and ensure that employees have ‘always-on’ access to the data, content, and ensure that employees have “always-on” access to applications they need to do their jobs—regardless of their physical location.  This new software-centric, “virtualized” infrastructure combines network connectivity, digital business applications and multi-tenant, multi-cloud integration at the remote branch premises edge, the local data center edge, or the cloud edge. 

But the evolution to a multi-service virtualized edge environment is often not a simple task for most enterprises. Migrating from a rigid hardware-centric environment to an agile, software-based, disaggregated environment can be a complex endeavor, especially when it involves multiple virtual network functions, new containerized business applications, and multi-tenant cloud services from a variety of suppliers.  This new environment requires a combination of skill sets and expertise, including edge devices, multi-service edge software stack, orchestration, automation, analytics and assurance software, and multi-vendor system integration.   

Join this session to hear from Ciena’s team of cross-functional edge leaders learn the four key ingredients to facilitate the shift to a multi-service cloud virtualization and edge compute infrastructure.  You’ll hear lessons learned and best practices from real-world experience combining edge devices, software and system integration that have enabled enterprises from retail, finance, logistics, manufacturing, and other industries accelerate their evolution to a virtualized, multi-cloud and edge compute IT environment.  


Mark has over 30 years’ experience working with Optical and Ethernet Network Technology, including 16 years of experience at Ciena.  He has held positions in Sale and Sales Leadership focusing on Enterprise Companies where he has been an innovator in helping Enterprises deploy emerging
technologies, including the world’s first Enterprise deployed 100G Network at a Global Stock Exchange, and the deployment of Optical Level Encryption for Large Financials, Utility and Health Care customers.

Todd Poston heads Ciena Services’s systems integration practice that is focused on applications of Ciena technology and multivendor elements for virtualized edge, edge cloud, and 5G solutions. He has held product management, consulting, service management, and presales leadership roles in the industry. These roles have been in telecom cloud, metro transport, and wireline access technologies. Todd holds BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University and a MBA from Duke University.

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