Riverbed Open Session: Beyond End-to-End Visibility with Shell: The Growing Demand for Insights and Action

Fall 2021

In this Open Session, David DeVoucalla, Manager, Operational Intelligence Center of Excellence, Shell IT International, will introduce his recent fireside chat with Stacie Sloane, Vice President, Marketing, Riverbed, that discusses how Shell weathered IT transitions due to the pandemic and how going beyond end-to-end visibility in the present can help large organizations face challenges in today’s hybrid-multi-cloud environments. 

 In his conversation with Stacie, David will share his insights across his career working at Shell for over 23 years, currently leading a team of 40 people globally for the Operational Intelligence CoE. He’ll walk attendees through some of the challenges he faced at the start of his career through the present in a large, complex organization of 125,000 employees and contractors globally with 45,000 retail outlets and 850 employee work sites. Despite the underlying complexities and challenges, he’ll share his views on how the future of IT is filled with opportunities due to the vast data now available to IT practitioners for actionable insights. David will close the session with a live audience Q&A with the ONUG community. 

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