We say these things quite often, “tip of the iceberg” or “on the surface…”. I love a good metaphor. And while I’m not prone to hyperbole, metaphors are the greatest linguistic invention in the history of everything ever created in the universe. Ignoring that important reality, and with all due respect to similes and analogies, my brain landed on the previously mentioned metaphors whilst recently pondering Policy as Code. On the surface, it feels that Policy-as-code solutions should be very straight forward. There are clear needs in the Enterprise’s desire to create, implement and manage policy across numerous systems, processes and personas.
Despite the appearance of clarity, Enterprises continue to struggle with direction. Here are just a few reasons why:
As a long-time Enterprise consumer, I can tell you that each of the points above resonates strongly with my teams and me. Fortunately, organizations don’t need to address these challenges in a vacuum. Working alongside industry leaders on both the consumer and supplier side of this challenge is what ONUG is all about. Our new Policy as Code (PaC) Working Group is focusing on bridging the gap between emerging open standards in PaC with practical, real-world needs.
Please join your peers in solving tough problems like Policy as Code. Solving problems like this as a connected community is just the “tip of the iceberg” on the value of being part of the ONUG Collaborative.