Livin’ on the Edge

My musical interests are diverse. Classic rock, alternative rock, rap, folk, classical –heck, throw me a show tune every now and then; no one needs to know. I like what I like, and I don’t care if you do. But enough about me being a Nickelback defender. What I DO know is if I make a musical reference to a 1993 song, like Aerosmith’s Livin’ on the Edge, some of you won’t get it…and that’s ok. Nonetheless, that’s where we’re gonna hang out in this month’s Corner:

“Tell me what you think about your situation, Complication, aggravation?

Is it getting to you?  … Even if it wasn’t, would you still come crawling back again?

I bet you would my friend” – Aerosmith, Livin on the Edge

The “edge” in life can be a dangerous and scary place. It’s the frontier and the unknown. The Network Edge and the Compute Edge are no different. I see ONUG Collaborative members dealing with the complication and aggravation of the changing landscape of compute, storage and related networking options every single day. Mix equal portions of cloud, multi/hybrid cloud and zero trust security, you might want to “crawl back” to the simpler days of central processing, point-to-point circuits and a 3270 green screen monitor.  

Fortunately, ONUG members don’t have to operate in the realm of aggravation. We are working together with suppliers and consumers alike to better define the business value that exists in properly architected Network Edge solutions. Together we build the roadmaps that help you get there. When you join the ONUG Collaborative, you participate in the creation of roadmaps, blogs and podcasts that help the enterprise IT community DELIVER on that business value, more quickly – and responsibly. Check out the Network Cloud Playbook for a glimpse of that work and make sure you connect with the ONUG Collaborative.

Author's Bio

Mark Tierney