Helen Gu is a leading expert in the field of distributed systems and predictive analytics. She is also Professor at North Carolina State University and leads a research group supported by over $4.2 million research grants from NSF, NSA, ARO, Google, IBM and Credit Suisse. She published more than 80 research papers and has filed 11 patents (10 of them have been issued).
Helen was on sabbatical at Google as a Visiting Scientist in 2015. She also worked at IBM T. J. Watson research center as a Research Staff Member in 2004-2007 working on the IBM stream processing system.
Helen Gu received her PhD in CS from UIUC in 2004 and BS in CS from Peking University in 1999. Her work has been widely reported by presses including NSF research highlights, Communications of ACM, and The Register, and won several best paper awards from prestigious International conferences including 10-year best paper award from prestigious ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing on her innovative work on predictive auto-scaling in cloud.
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