John McDonough is a Senior Cloud Architect / Cloud DevOps Engineer at Fortinet for the past 3 years, delivering innovative Cloud deployment and automation solutions to global customers. Prior to Fortinet John was a Developer Advocate for 6 years for Cisco Systems’ DevNet, capping the 18 years he was at Cisco. During his 35-year software development career John has contributed to Open-Source projects, Ansible and OpenStack, is a distinguished speaker at more that 30 Cisco Live events and has spoken about Open-Source contribution and Data Center and Cloud automation at many industry events, including SXSW, DevOps Days, API Days, HashiConf, MS Build, and Github Universe.
John resides in the country in Sussex New Jersey with his wife and cat Gigi. He likes to ride bikes, fly kites, sit on the beach, and occasionally participate in trivia and karaoke at the local pub.