Case Study: Private 5G + AI Networking to Transform Warehousing & Ops – Highway 9 Networks Triple-T

This TTT session will share a case study with practical use cases of how a large industrial enterprise used the Highway 9 Mobile Cloud and its private 5G + AI networking to provide resilient connectivity and mobility for inventory and automation equipment. And how we can leverage the same private mobile network to extend cellular voice and data across its full facility.


Sachin Thakkar is a co-founder at enterprise cloud startup Highway 9 Networks located
in the Silicon Valley. Prior, Sachin served as an engineering executive at VMware for
10+ years leading the design and launch of enterprise networking (NSX), hybrid cloud &
telco offerings helping to transform VMware into a networking & cloud powerhouse.
Sachin has an intimate understanding of enterprise networking design best practices
and how they integrate into modern architectures.

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