Enterprise Wireless Options: WiFi vs. Private LTE vs. Private 5G

This panel discussion, moderated by a wireless industry analyst, will feature
representatives from wireless service providers, equipment vendors and large
enterprises, who will discuss and debate the role of WiFi vs. private cellular, and the
relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach for typical enterprise use cases.
Will WiFi continue to dominate for in-building connectivity, or will it be complemented or
supplanted by private 5G? Panelists will also weigh in on the criteria for choosing
between private LTE vs. private 5G for cellular wireless.

-Discussing the role of WiFi vs. private cellular for enterprise use cases
-Describing the relative strengths and weaknesses of each technology
-Where will WiFi and private 5G coexist and where can 5G replace WiFi?
-Criteria for choosing between private LTE and private 5G for cellular wireless
Who Should Attend:
-IT and Technology Leaders
-CIOs, CTOs, and IT Directors
-Network and Telecom Managers
-IoT Solution Architects
-Wireless Service Providers
-Equipment Vendors
-Large Enterprises
-Industry Analysts and Researchers
-Anyone interested in understanding the impact of private 5G networks on enterprise
digital transformation

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