5G and the Future of Connectivity
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5G and the Future of Connectivity

The “new” future of work is coming fast and coupled with the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) it shows real promise – but broader impacts need leadership.

Further, the pandemic has shone a spotlight on how digital can be a truly transformative investment. Enabling companies to not only boost productivity but also engage and communicate with their employees, customers, and stakeholders in a way that they didn’t think possible.

In this session, we’ll discuss the technologies that forward-thinking business are prioritizing and already investing in, such as:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Automation and Robotics
  • Core network technologies and 5G

Data consumption governance allows organizations to take full advantage of the cloud while mitigating data risk. With this approach, organizations can confidently observe and control consumption of sensitive data across the enterprise while becoming more intelligent about their usage of and risk to data. Join this webinar to learn more about:

Learn About:

  • What the workplace of the future may look like – and how the COVID-19 pandemic is currently accelerating change in both business models and tech adoption
  • The importance of maintaining the human touch in organizations by finding the right balance when allocating tasks between automation, AI, and humans
  • Why 5G can be such a game-changer. How it can be used to create private wireless networks that provide secure, high-bandwidth, low-latency connections, enabling exciting new solutions like driverless robots, automated forklifts, and near-real-time tracking of manufacturing lines. The range of solutions is huge from tracking to safety, predictive maintenance to digital twins.
  • How to leverage these technologies whilst ensuring that human choices shape the workplace and that we are not drawn into an algorithm-driven structure
  • How innovation, trust, and a new kind of enlightened leadership can expedite an organization’s journey


Who Should Attend?

  • CTO’s
  • Heads of Innovation and Technology
  • IT Directors
  • Telecom Providers
  • Developers
  • Start-Up’s
  • OEM’s, Government
  • Automotive
  • Operators
  • Technology Providers
  • Investors
  • VCs interested in learning more about 5G technology