ONUG's AIOps Working Group was created to discuss how to manage data and control access for AIOps vendors.
Sign up to participateThis working group explores different approaches to data collection, storage and access. The group is working to develop a framework for the exchange of data for AIOps vendors.
AIOps is the application of AI technology to streamline operational workflows and automate critical operations in hybrid, multi-cloud environments where scale and flexibility are outstripping the capabilities of human operators to keep pace in real-time.
Establishing a framework for the exchange of data for AIOps vendors is crucial to cost-effective implementations of AI in the enterprise. Without a framework, companies will find themselves reinventing the wheel for every customer, which increases cost and time to market
Amplify your corporation’s voice/influence with other large corporations to ensure you receive the tools you need to drive successful digital transformation within your organization and throughout the industry at large.
The ONUG Collaborative provides a means for both IT executives and cloud vendors to engage and work together in a problem-solving atmosphere/culture to facilitate innovative approaches that speed cloud adoption for all companies regardless of where they are on their enterprise cloud journey.
The Collaborative is represented by the largest cloud consumers as well as cloud providers enabling each of the Collaborative Working Groups to identify gaps and facilitate hybrid/multi-cloud solutions.
IT executives, amplify your voice by aggregating your user case requirements with peers so that vendors, standards and open source communities build industry solutions needed. You’ll also share best practices and challenges for IT organizational re-design, culture and skills needed to deliver the digital transformation effect.
For vendors, participating in the ONUG Working Groups will contribute to product and feature development as well as assure that your company is meeting market needs.
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