May 15-16, 2024, Union Station, Dallas, Texas
For a decade, ONUG has been the hub for global enterprise networking, security, and cloud leaders.
The Enterprise Edge Summit, taking place at ONUG Spring is a one of a kind program that will expose IT and OT enterprise professionals to the business drivers and enabling technologies that will help them operationalize Edge Computing and 5G in the context of the large enterprise.
This Enterprise Edge program will explore the key role that 5G will play in enterprise networking, in both public and private networks. Attendees will hear about compelling uses cases for private 5G in both OT and IT environments, how enterprise 5G will drive adoption of edge computing, the deployment models for 5G (this is not one size fits all!), and topics around 5G security, network design patterns, end-to-end management, solution integration strategies, edge computing platforms and more.